Dem Rep. Adam Schiff Competes For Distinction Of Biggest Dirtbag At Hearing On Trump Shooting

7 months ago

Posted • July 24, 2024: FBI Director Christopher Wray is testifying today before the House Judiciary Committee, and instead of trying to work toward making sure an assassination attempt like the one we saw during a recent Trump rally in Pennsylvania, some Democrats are being predictably shameless. Rep. Jerrold Nadler used part of his opening statement to let Wray know he can call off the FBI's investigation because he's found the person responsible for the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump, and that person is Donald Trump. Jerry Nadler just blamed Trump for the assassination attempt on his life by repeating the “bloodbath” lie, not once, but twice in his opening statement. The “bloodbath” lie - statement which pre-dated the assassination attempt in any event. It’s Trump’s fault someone tried to kill him because of something he said months earlier. I guess Secret Service was just teaching him a lesson.

Rep. Jerry Nadler is the most disgusting and despicable person on earth. Tied with a number of other Democrat politicians. Nadler of course pushed yet another lie to try and justify his remarks: Right out the gate at the start of FBI Christopher Wray’s testimony. Jerry Nadler begins to insinuate the failed assassination attempt on President Trump is his own fault due to his own rhetoric by taking his “bloodbath” comment out of context. The level of shamelessness from Nadler is even higher than his belt line. Not to be outdone, Rep. Adam "Russia collusion" Schiff started off his line of questioning for Director Wray by trying to shine a negative light on one of the people who was shot that day, Donald Trump: Adam Schiff wastes no time in making himself a vile partisan Leftist hack…No surprise. Wray: Crooks visited site about a week before rally, early that morning, and later that afternoon to fly the drone.

F*cking Schiff asking Wray if someone with dozens of felony convictions would pass background check to be an agent. Wray says no. Dude is deranged. Wray also says they won't be able to get into all the encrypted chats--red flag. Wray--we just found analysis of laptop that showed a July 6 Google search, how far away was Oswald from Kennedy. Wray says review of Crooks' devices included articles on public figures of both parties incl overseas leaders. "This is not a target list." -- The weasel Adam Schiff uses his time in the FBI inquiry into the shooting of President Trump to attack Trump. “Would the FBI hire someone with felony convictions?” Democrats charged Trump with ridiculous crimes so the scumbags like Schiff would have something to talk about. Someone should remind Schiff that he was fired from the intelligence committee for being a liar!

The question for Schiff would be if anybody not named Donald Trump would have been charged with dozens of felonies for what he was alleged to have done. We'll also note that Rep. Eric Swalwell is a runner up for the "biggest dirtbag at the hearing" distinction for his attempts to get Wray to say Russia is interfering in this year's election on behalf of Trump while blaming the assassination attempt on a lack of extreme gun control measures. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Dem Reps. Nadler and Schiff Compete for Distinction of Biggest Dirtbag at Hearing on Trump Shooting
Rumble: Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Competes For Distinction Of Biggest Dirtbag At Hearing On Trump Shooting

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