FFLs can legally mail a firearm to your door!!!

7 months ago

FFLs can LEGALLY mail a firearm to your door in accordance with ATF Proc 2020-1 (link below). The stipulations are:
1. Must be a resident of the same state as the FFL
2. Must be NICS exempt (that means transactions NOT requiring a background check for things like NFA or if your state allows, permit holders)
3. Does not appear in person at the business premises (I have an online store at https://bigbeebeellc.com which makes doing this last part even easier)

Remember, you will still have to fill out the 4473 electronically, but you must print it off and sign it. Email the signed 4473, your drivers license and your NICS exemption (carry permit or form 4 which we will already have).

Any questions, please let me know, Ill try to answer. https://bigbeebeellc.com


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