Mirror Images - Scrying Using a Mirror to Reveal the Entity

7 months ago

Following our last video, I was thinking of a way to try and reveal the Entity's face again, without the need for it to forceable 'use' one of us.

One of our followers suggested scrying (using a mirror to contact the entity through divination). I thought this was a good idea since the Entity has used mirrors lots of times previously to manifest things and show itself.

We hadn't been sitting doing it for long when all of sudden, Kayleigh pushes me over as she swears she saw my face change, first in the mirror and also when she looked at me. There's something definitely weird with my face in the mirror momentarily, but my face cannot be seen from the camera angle.

A few moments later, I also see Kayleigh's reflection appear to glitch whilst she is bending down retrieving her glasses off the floor. It looks like her reflection is 'delayed' and was still being reflected in the mirror whilst she was out of the mirrors sight line. It happened so quick, I couldn't be sure what I saw.

However, upon watching the footage, it is clear that not only is Kays reflection delayed, but her face changes grotesquely and it also stares across at me, before seemingly ducking out of shot.

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