Kim Dotcom Meets Dynamo | The Running Man Decoded Pt 2 | Fake Hackers & CEOs

7 months ago

What if you discovered that a primary reason Twitter was purchased was in order to create a MIN (Mobile Identification Number) database that could Geo-locate 'problem' whistleblowers...ok...some of you have made it past that leap, but part 2...

What if you learned that the vast majority of 'characters' on Elon Musk's "X" platform are Hollywood-CIA-OLIVE Simulations? Not just bots, which we expect, but 'living Bots'...people who are effectively full time crisis actors that play primarily one role for many Kim Dotcom, IMO.

The Dept of Justice will attach a legend to the character...why?

Bait. To help associate way markers on anyone seeking to leak information or who might be problematic to corporations. Meanwhile, defense contractors like Battelle, SAIC & Leidos are exploiting their security access to our surveillance infrastructure to assist CIA counterintelligence with Domestic Intelligence/Counterintelligence activities 'against Americans'...

How do they do this? Mostly by gathering data with fake whistleblowers like Kim Dotcom & Elon Musk. They encourage new people to self-identify on X. The X database, with all your MIN's (Smartphones w/GPS geolocation chip) can then "X: Spots The Mark"

As much as I'd like to believe that many of these people are real...I've gone the rounds and most of them are completely fake.

This article focuses on Kim Dotcom, Battelle and a brief visual of how it all side by side comparisons of Kim Dotcom to the character Dynamo...

Anyone wonder why he trolls being a killer who electrocutes people remotely so bad?

Music By:
Prodigy - Poison
Prodigy - Firestarter
Run The Jewels - Get It
Massive Attack w/Mos Def - I Against Eye

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