Tucker Carlson Says He Knows The People On The Left Very Well

7 months ago

Tucker Carlson Says He Knows The People On The Left Very Well

They’re full of “turmoil and unhappiness and insecurity — they're totally suffering now. They're miserable.”

“Can I say one last thing? That's because I know a lot of these people who the people I am always railing against, I hate them and all stuff, but, like, they're totally suffering now. They're miserable.

Like, if you, uh, I think if you looked inside Antony Blinken's soul, you would not find anything interesting or profound at all at all. It's just like banal as you imagine it it is.

This is my guess. But I think you would find a lot of turmoil and unhappiness and insecurity, barely sublimated rage, unhappiness, chaos. You know? And I think that is true of all these people. You think Joe Biden is happy or his creepy fake doctor wife or any of these people.

Gavin Newsom, you really think he's, like, got a joyful life, like, these people are living in hell now actually. And so I do think that should be a marker.

If you're looking at who to believe, who to put your confidence in, not your faith, put your faith in no man, but your confidence, I think the first thing you have to assess is is this person happy? Is it joyful? Because if he's not, he's clearly on the wrong path.

He's following a lie knowingly or not. Like, I think it's a fair way to assess. Yeah. Yeah. That's a damn good point.

So so if you wake up in a society run by unhappy women and the weak men who make them unhappy, these are not people worth following.”

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