HomeFront Sitrep with Garret Biss

7 months ago

Garret Biss is a New Bern, North Carolina resident and former US Marine Corps Aviator turned award-winning author and professional speaker. Throughout his career, Garret has enjoyed working with many great leaders and Marines from all walks of life. Through this experience, he has become fascinated by the many different ways people approach success, enjoyment and fulfillment. This fascination sparked a journey of personal growth and study of the science of human flourishing and success that Garret has been on for more than a decade. After gleaning the best ideas and philosophies from hundreds of books and lectures and learning from some of the brightest minds in positive living and fulfillment, Garret began writing his own books. His writing portrays his personal philosophy on living by weaving together the wisdom and advice of others and distilling it through his own experience and personal trials.

In his first book, the award-winning Charity The Gifts of Giving, Garret shares his experience of using philanthropy to help him through a rough period in his life and highlights the importance of selflessness and charity in everyone’s life. With this message, Garret now helps both individuals and organizations use selflessness and giving to improve their lives and businesses. Organizations that cultivate a culture of giving through Garret’s work can experience improved employee performance, workplace morale and career satisfaction.

Recently released, The Spheres Approach to Happiness and Fulfillment delivers Garret’s personal philosophy for dealing with the negativity in our lives that can lead to fear, frustration and disappointment. By using universal principles, Garret teaches how to find a silver-lining or inspiration in every challenge or obstacle life presents. As a trainer and professional speaker, Garret spreads this message to anyone seeking greater happiness, fulfillment and productivity.

Nearly 780 million people on this planet live without access to clean drinking water. Garret is the founder of the nonprofit, One Million Goal, Inc., a foundation devoted to raising money and awareness about clean drinking water to help those in need. Garret founded this organization with a personal goal to provide clean water to one million of these men, women and children.

Garret was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Master’s Degree in Real Estate Development from Auburn University. Garret was a KC-130J Aircraft Commander in the Marine Corps and retired from active duty as a Captain in 2015.

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