Old World Catacombs (My Lunch Break) Judas Goat Misleads Viewers(322, Skull & Bones)

7 months ago

There is an ancient species called Homo capensis that hates human-beings. Homo sapiens are actually a spliced species between Earth's extinct Neanderthals and ancient Homo capensis chromosomes.
This is why the story of Kane and Abel was created about a wicked and a naive truthful offspring.
When you look at the murals in the Vatican where Adam is reaching out to touch the finger of a god... it is actually the AI supercomputer's ability in the past to splice the genetics of the two species to manipulate the humans into existence.

Don't you find it strange that only 120 years ago the main mode of transportation was horses.
Now, there are jets that travel faster than sound and even secret underground vacuum-tube trains that Philip Schneider claimed could travel across the USA at mach-2... twice the speed of sound.

My Lunch Break is likely part of the Masonic program to only expose enough information to scare the Hell into the Christians who still go to these churches to worship. He does not tell you about the ancient monsters who developed the ancient civilizations like Atlantis. https://old.bitchute.com/video/gLYvEx4rR5Ef/

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2c-dSktnzE

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