Still with you (yan) reup

1 month ago

SoInLoveWithUThat they can’t help but cling ontoU
UbothShareThe same energy
When they look atU and stare with so much love
cute interactions
Ugot them kicking and swinging their feet,blushing at any small interactions they hadWithU
Ugot them gigglingNsh!t
they hype u up
they are also likeUr best friend
both ofU feel so happy and lucky to have one another
they are never afraid to show affection
They support u
Always willing to really listen toUrrants or anythingUwant to say
families hold respect for each other
they laugh atur jokes
EverytimeUfeel scared,anxious,sad,upset, angry,or any negative way,they will rush toU
They’re understanding of Ursituations and help
nice to onlyU
cold to everyone else
they trustU
no matter how busy,they always make time forU and would leave anything just to go seeUeveryday
Usee how only they are their true selves aroundU?
Udon’t even have to tell them,they notice whenUrfeeling down right away
They're so crazily in love withUthat they would go far and beyond just to please Urneeds and wants.
They couldn't care less about their image looking bad as long as they keepU protected
their level of obsession seems way too extreme,it's sometimes creepy
Loyalty.They will get the ick when others try to flirt with them.They feel so disgusted just at the thought of being with someone else
they love everything about U,they love doing everything withU
in their eyesUare everything they always asked for
They see a future withU
They tend to be selfish and that behavior will show when they try to keepUwith them
They are so wholesome withU
Have the most cutest and softest love
they have the most fun time withU
So overprotective.They think thatU should be kept away from this world
They won’t letUgo anywhere unless they are withU
The world is way too cruel and evil so they keepU inside with them.
They’re so lovesick that everyone notices how extreme it is
They aren't satisfied with just showing their love so they go extremes levels to prove their affection and admiration forU
They utilize their skills in order to show their high interest inU
They are seemingly “normal” soU won't notice at first until you do.
They fear to loseUso they do their best forUto stay
They are very expressive with their feelings forU
they would gladly die forU
they aren’t afraid of death if it means risking it forU
get extremely jealous when others approachU
they can't see that what they do is unhealthy,they just want to loveU
they only share their unlimited love withU
they prefer not live anymore ifUr not there with them
have allUr desired yandere tendencies:
Lovesick,emotionally unstable,obsessive,murderous,clingy,selfish,insensitive, aggressive,vengeful,crazy, twisted,possessive,devoted,dedicated, loyal,lovestruck,controlling,manipulative,violent, resentful,unforgiving,overprotective, insane,psychotic,cruel,sadistic
They don’t care if they get hurt,defending and protectingUis their duty
Will forreal murdr anyone without hesitation if necessary
They have such a soft spot forU
Nothing and nobody else is worthy of their attention butU
They have a full set of bodyguards aroundU andUrfamily
they will never get caught doing anything
they know how to hide their "unstable" side
become ur neighbor
they make the first move
attentive and caring
see themselves unworthy ofUr love but still wantUSoMuch
they don't care how they are treated byUas long as they haveUwithThem
be able to open up to each other
they don't wantU to wander unless its with them
cares deeply care aboutUrwellBeing
people who have wrongedU will suddenly leave without a trace
everyone is a threat toUin their eyes
they are extremely jealous when u hang out with others
they will not harm Ur pets or family
they wantUto rely on them
U can open up to them and they will always be there
genuinely show full interest inU
everythingU do, no matter what they’re highly obsessed withU.They findU so attractive/cute.They adoreU so much there isn’t anythingU can do to make them leave.They willwipe just about anyone who denies theRelationship.When they think ofU or them caring for anyone who isn’t each other it makes them feel so devastated.
They don’t know why they just loveU and anyone or anything that gets in their way will be harmed and removed.They don't wantU to be afraid and they warnU their love might be a little messy but they will keepUsafe.Heads will be rolling if anyone dares to mess with UThey gotUrback
People may find it weird but they just loveU.They know every placeU like and allUr favorite things because they follow and stalkU a lot.They do anything to just interact withU.They do things to get Urattention.They visit Uat night in the hope that Uwon't see them.They collect ur personal belongings.SeeingU don’t notice them fully makes them upset.They just want to confess to u but they are too nervous. Nervous to speak, nervous to release and they just want to tellU how they feel.they will confess soon.They want to hear what u say, feelU are close to them.They can't help but love Ueven if they try not to
They feel conflicted by their feelings
They will never let u be sad
They respectUr boundaries
They truly love Uunconditionally
Know ur favorite things to do
Supports Uendlessly
Even if u do something bad,they will never blame u
If u ever do actually like someone else they will step back because they love u and want to see u happy
Put their whole soul into becoming the best lover for u
To the people they are close to,they do not stop talking about u
EverythingThey do,remind them ofU
Every love song is obviously aboutU
They wonder whether Ulikeor dislike something all the time
They focus on Uand only u
they have a room full with ur thingsLikewhole pictures and items they tookfrom u
they have drawings and even a doll or something that represents u
by finding out what u like,they will use it to their advantage
too much stalking but it’s to find out if they have competition
Uboth feel cozy and warm with each other
even if udon’t want to, they will follow u
they go extreme to lengths to make sure they continue stalking u
their favorite hobby is stalking u
take photos of u without noticing
they even observe u in moments of privacy
they will leave messages or signs that they were near
they will spoil u with gifts,they’re rich
give their time,desires,and work for whatever u want
they do things that are often seen as wrong
even difficult tasks are completed for ursake
unhealthy healthy relationship
they collect ur hair,nails,blood,teeth
they fulfill whatever u need in a relationship
they would rather uhurtthem than leave them
use manipulation to make u stay with them
they watch u everyday
they go follow u everyday
they maintain people away from u
they send ulove letter everyday
Face features: eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, cheeks, chin, jaw, teeth, lips, tongue
Body: hair,arms, legs, calves, stomach, feet, fingers, arms, nails, knees, toes,shoulders,thighs,inner thighs, private parts
others: style, piercings, tattoos,jewelry,aura, character, traits, qualities, likes/dislikes
they know you exact types of pleasure u like
they can’t control themselves around u
they have all urdesired toys
they know ur kinks
they could go all night long, making sure to fulfill all ur sxual desires
they are extremely amazing with their hands
they have all it needs for u both to have a fun night
top?bottom? switch? they can do them all
they are masters in bed
they will wait until ur fully ready
they always daydream about u
only u can make them feel that way
they have urdesired kinks
they have urdesired fetishs/they fulfill ur fetishs
they get so turned on by u everytime they see u
they touch themselves while looking at urpictures or while on a call or just anytime ur on their mind/while they’re stalking you
get kidnapped in ur desired way
nobody is worried about ur sudden disappearance
they will treat u like royalty
they already have a room full with all ur likings
theyWillLock u up
they can't take it anymore so they will kidnap utonight
makeSure ur safe at allTimes
they might even kidnap ur enemies to torture them
nobody will wonder about u
desired location to where to be kidnapped
never be released
whether it's tied or chained up, they will refrain u from escaping unless u wanna leave
they have been stalking u for a while and plan to kidnap u today
people might not support the relationship but to ur lover, that is the least they could care about.both families agreed to the relationship because to themur lover is an innocent and sweet person. They are able to deceive people into thinking they are anything but yandere.the relationship is full of passion and care. people ship and adore the relationship.U guys are known as the power couple
People wish and beg for a relationship like urs
receiveABunchOfTextsAndCallsFromThem right now
seeThemOutside ur place rn
visualize them and future moments randomly
desired type of affection or love language
be their soulmate
allDesired types of communication
Forcefully meet them now.Forcefully attract them to u.they have no choice but to be with u in this them even if they are away
all desired thingsHappenWhile/after/before meeting them
only u can make them feel some type of way/only u turn them on/give them butterflies/make them blush
desired level of craziness, possessiveness, obsessiveness
they’re knocking on ur door/window rn
Ujust saw their shadow around ur room
U just heard them call ur name
no escape, they are now chasing ur love
unable to get rid of them
”With such devotion, a love interest may start to take advantage of their generosity, leaving the yandere to do everything that the love interest finds distasteful"
won't ask u to change to fit their ideals, they love u unconditionally
makeThemVisitUAndAskUonADate rn
have cute/soft romantic moments with them

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