What Is Up With Galactic Challenge Lately?? It's Either Gungans or Impossible!

7 months ago

Galactic Challenge has been obnoxious lately. Once a week, we have something with Gungans, either we need to be them or they are our enemy. In either scenario, it's always been impossible to max crate (enemy has stats boosted to Jupiter, or us, we don't have strong Gungans yet!). OR, they set us up with some ridiculous challenge that is literally borderline impossible!

An example of an virtually impossible GC is shown in this video, where I was only able to obtain a T4 crate!

What is the point of grinding and dedication to this stupid game if in the end, at 9.5M GP, I can only get a 40% reward from some bridge, throw-away event?? It's VERY annoying and only drives my love for this game down further and further.

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