Trump Assassination Attempt - Strange Times

23 hours ago

Who was helping Thomas Matthew Crooks? His phone indicates help from SOMEBODY in Washington D.C. What happened to Joe Biden in Las Vegas? Where is he now? Are the Democrats laundering money from ActBlue to the DNC through straw persons like they did in 2016 and 2020? Like they did with votes for Joe Biden in 2020? Is the $81 million raised over the last 24 hours the 2024 equivalent of the 81 million votes Joe Biden allegedly received in 2020? Is America a representative republic anymore? Do the people still rule? Or is a party cabal running things? So many questions. So much cynicism. As for me, I'm thankful a Divine Being is still in control.

Video links for today's episode:

ATTN. Micro-course offering tonight! (topic: JFK Assassination Intro). Go to to learn more and SIGN UP TODAY! (click on MICRO COURSE tab and follow directions).

For anyone interested. I will be on 1360 KHNC out of Colorado today (Tuesday) from 11am - 1pm cst. The link is
The show is called Half Empty Cup of Joe.

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