Episode 2351: The Battle Against Temptation - Morning Episode

2 months ago

Today, we delve into the profound wisdom of the saints and Scripture to understand how we can navigate the challenges of temptation and find true glory, not in our own righteousness, but in the redemptive power of Christ. We'll be reflecting on the insights of St. Ambrose and Thomas à Kempis, alongside the encouraging words of St. Paul from his first letter to the Thessalonians.
The True Source of Our Glory
Let's begin with the beautiful quote from St. Ambrose:
"I will glory not because I am righteous, but because I am redeemed; I will glory not because I am free from sins, but because my sins are forgiven me. I will not glory because I have done good nor because someone has done good to me, but because Christ is my advocate with the Father and because the blood of Christ has been shed for me."
St. Ambrose's words remind us that our true glory lies not in our own deeds but in the redemptive work of Christ. In a world that often emphasizes personal achievement and moral perfection, it is crucial to remember that our righteousness comes from being redeemed by Christ's sacrifice. This perspective shifts our focus from self-reliance to a humble reliance on God's mercy and grace.
The Battle Against Temptation
Temptation is a universal human experience. Thomas à Kempis, in his timeless work "The Imitation of Christ," provides a profound understanding of how we can face and overcome temptations:
"Many try to fly away from temptations only to fall more deeply into them; for you cannot win a battle by mere flight. It is only by patience and humility that you will be strengthened against the enemy. Those who shun them outwardly and do not pull them out by the roots will make no progress; for temptations will soon return to harass them and they will be in a worse state. It is only gradually—with patience and endurance and with God's grace—that you will overcome temptations sooner than by your own efforts and anxieties . . . Gold is tried by fire and the upright person by temptation. Often we do not know what we can do until temptation shows us what we are . . . This is how temptation is: first we have a thought, followed by strong imaginings, then the pleasure and evil emotions, and finally consent. This is how the enemy gains full admittance, because he was not resisted at the outset. The slower we are to resist, the weaker we daily become and the stronger the enemy is against us."
Thomas à Kempis highlights the importance of patience, humility, and God's grace in overcoming temptations. It is not enough to simply avoid temptations; we must confront and uproot them with the help of God's grace. Temptations test us, revealing our weaknesses and ultimately leading us to spiritual growth if we face them with perseverance and faith.
Sanctification through God's Faithfulness
St. Paul, in his first letter to the Thessalonians, offers a powerful prayer for sanctification:
"May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also accomplish it." — 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
This Scripture assures us that our sanctification is not solely dependent on our efforts but on the faithfulness of God. He is the one who calls us to holiness, and He is the one who will accomplish it in us. This divine assurance provides immense comfort and hope as we strive to live holy lives amidst the trials and temptations of the world.
As we conclude today's episode, let us remember that our glory is found in Christ's redemption, not in our righteousness. Let us face temptations with patience, humility, and a reliance on God's grace, knowing that He is faithful to sanctify us completely. May we always turn to Him in times of trial, trusting in His mercy and love.
Thank you for joining us on "Faith and Reflection." May God's peace be with you, and may you find strength and encouragement in His unfailing love. Until next time, keep the faith and continue to seek the Lord in all things.

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