Conservatives have been saying that Biden wasn't fit to serve as President back in 2020.

7 months ago

Conservatives have been saying that Biden hasn't been fit to serve since 2020. Last night proved it. Granted he has cognitively gone down hill since then and we saw that during the debate. That's not my beef right now. My beef is with the lying back stabbing socialist news media. They have been bull shitting the American public about his health since 2019. Just a short while ago morning Joe was flapping his gums saying something to the effect that President Biden was on top of things and was at the top of his game. So Biden was great a while ago then bang he was a cognitive wreck.These socialist are so typical of all socialist. The programs they sell are so bad for the world that they have to constantly lie and cheat to get them past us. Then they accuse their opponents (The conservatives) of the very thing they want to perpetrat on the American people. Their tactics never change. Look up Saul Alinski and his book rules for radicals and you'll see where they learned their despicable tactics. They don't care for you or American. What they care about is shoving their agenda in your face and you have to accept it and embrace it or they will label you as a racist a homophob or what ever else crosses their mind.

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