Why did Allah create pigs?

3 hours ago

Why did Allah create pigs? Islamic religion Channel
As Muslims, we believe that the teachings given by Allah and His Messenger are not without reason. Rather, the wisdom of Allah is hidden behind it. In the Qur'an, Furqan Hameed, where Allah Almighty has commanded us to eat halal and good things. On the other hand, he has forbidden his servants to eat even an animal. That animal is a pig.
بیرون ملک جانے میں رکاوٹ شادی کا کاروبار بند ہونا گھریلو الجھن
کالا جادو کا اثر شوہر کی غفلت ہے۔ کاروبار میں رکاوٹ
اللہ کے فضل سے ہم بے اولادی کو دور کر دیں گے جو کہ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی رحمت کا خاص تحفہ ہے۔ مرشد کی دعاؤں سے چند دنوں میں انشاء اللہ۔
ہم یہ کام دعووں سے نہیں بلکہ عمل سے کرتے ہیں۔
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The effect of black magic is negligence of the husband. Business interruption
By the grace of Allah, we will remove childlessness, which is a special gift of the Prophet's mercy. With the prayers of Murshid, in a few days, God willing.
We do this not by claims but by actions.
Syed Haji Pirzada Tariq Mehmood Qadri Qalandari Contact Watson Number 923265224907 /+923485610065 +/923369914000+

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