Alien Species | Humans

1 month ago

Alien Species | Humans

Human Beings from Earth (Terrans as ET’s call us) are not the only Humans in this Universe.

In this Universe many Human civilizations co-exist that are very advanced and spiritualized.

Humankind originates from the Lyrae Star System.

After the Lyran Wars and the Reptilian invasion, Lyran Humans scattered around many star systems. (Pleiades, Andromeda, Tau Ceti)

Evolved in the Light, and the high vibration of Love, unity and the respect of the Universal Laws (law of free will for instance) they exist multidimensionally and created the Human Federation, Galactic Federation and other organizations.

They are concerned about us and want us to join the Galactic Community, They see that We are not United as a race yet.

This will give you an idea of how they look. (Contactee drawings)

Pleiadians Andromedans Arcturians Etc.

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