The Beginning Impressionist -223

6 months ago

We focus here on some things needed for success when starting out to paint ‘impressionistically’ including cast drawing, copying, setting up still-life and more.

In Response to John Wellman

QUESTION:Could you describe what stages of training you would suggest a beginning impressionist work through so they progress towards capturing the visual truth in full color without trying to bite off too much too fast?
What makes a good first subject?
Would you always start a student with oil paint (or pastel or even watercolors)?
What should be the measures of success for the first session (Is it better to continually fail at a subject too complex, or are there ways to simplify in such a way even a beginner can walk away counting a session as a success)?
If a student keeps failing at capturing color relationships from life, would you have them fall back to master copies? Or some other exercise like producing color charts, etc.?
I'm thinking primarily of beginners who are trying to learn the craft & as well as seeing the visual truth as efficiently & effectively as possible, but are not able to study directly under a master.

John W

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