Painting the Light -225

7 months ago

A followup on #225, this one talking about how to get values, silhouettes and even intensities of colors cooperating to produce the sense of light common to the impressionist.

In response to Jack N

QUESTION: On your youtube video, "Imaginative Impressionist", I asked:
"As a beginner, I’ve painted my share of “dead” paintings. That is, those that fail to capture the light. I’ve learned there are many ways to capture the light such as value, color, texture / paint density, and edges. Are there other ways to capture the light? Is there a way to think about the light from an impressionist point of view compared to the academic painter that I might be missing?"

You answered:
"Would you send me a shot of something you have done that you think falls short in this area and I will look at it from this vantage point and make suggestions if I have them?"

I attached a few I thought were not capturing the light well. I drew them first by painting an outline through observation, then painted them using a layered approach. Appreciate your time and your excellent videos! Keep in mind I've only been learning oil painting for about a year (no previous art experience) and some of these are earlier in my training (online training).

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