Steve, owner of Uhl Rubber, Gets Tickets on Visalia Main Street

2 months ago

Keith visits with Steve LaGras who has owned the Uhl Rubber Tire Company at 701 East Main for many years. Steve voiced his concerns about getting two tickets in one week after going 30 years and only remembering getting one. Thank you, Steve for speaking up. Lots of downtown merchants are afraid to speak up because they’re afraid of repercussions . That’s sad to me! The difference between tyranny and liberty is tyranny is when you fear government and liberty is they fear you!!! I’m here to tell you that there is a councilman out there that could care less what you think. Speak up and protect our downtown ! Way more energy needs to be spent on vagrants and troublemakers downtown, not people trying to come down here to do an honest days work! #parkingtickets #crawdaddys #crawdaddysvisalia #visalia #keithkorsgaden #KeithKorsgaden #uhlrubber

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