Sudden Infant Death, Sudden Adult Death, Shaken Baby Syndrome or Infection by Injection

6 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

It's a figure from a paper that literally won a case for SIDS, what we used, to call Sudden Infant Death. So if Sudden Infant Death wasn't bad enough, now there's Sudden Adult Death. And then they called it Shaken Baby Syndrome. And I remember when I met Sherri Tenpenny, or learned of her, she talked about testifying to have a father put away for Shaken Baby Syndrome. Yeah, the kids are screaming their brains are on fire. Their brains are on fire because they've had a trauma! An infection by injection, which is what a vaccine is! You are injecting an agent, and you've got things that allow, like polysorbate 80, it to get to the brain, the infection! It turns on that inflammatory signal. It's an immune insult that systemic and all those macrophages and all those organ systems where ever it happens to hit where you have a sensitivity or ongoing inflammation: it will be like throwing gasoline on a fire!

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 02/19/2023
Full presentation at “What We've Learned From Covid” in Maui:

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