Rep. James Comer Drops the Hammer on Secret Service Director with Scathing Final Words

3 hours ago

“The American people have questions. They deserve answers. Congress deserves answers. You were subpoenaed today to provide answers. And, ma'am, you did not do that.”

“As the leader of the FBI, I sincerely hope that we would adjourn this committee hearing and have confidence not just in the Secret Service, but in you as director of the Secret Service. But we do not.”

“Taking responsibility requires a lot of things. It means providing transparency. It means answering simple questions. It means providing a specific timeline of July 13 to this committee and the American people. I mean, it's been nine days.”

“After this hearing and after our request for information, we don't have any answers for the American people, and we don't have that confidence that you can lead the Secret Service to restore the confidence.”

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