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Practice clear manifestation & avoid deceptive manipulation
Introduction: explore the layers going in at this moment:
physical, mental/social media, etheric/dreams
8.21 I am in my Soul-space commanding in my full spiritual self, to channel the wisdom of my SOUL:
12.08 “what a dangerous game you have been playing in your mind… right on the edge of holding your sanity. Your imaginative potential growing. shifting changing morphing., Coming into your full self. The full self is this established being, that can see beyond, and define beyond, that understands the creative element of reality.
– That we are not anchored into physicality,– yes, we are, And, we are more than that. We are creating with our desires, our thoughts, our hopes, our dreams, our images.
The stories we weave, we create, we add into the pool of reality, and you are beginning to really uncover this storytelling– self: the sense of no ‘fixed’ point. And that is alarming, the no fixed point is alarming. For when there is nothing to hold onto, only a flow, an energetic washing – through, you must pay great attention to what is washing through. – The source, the clarity, The clarity of your instrument: your body, your mind, your spirit, your thoughts, and what may interfere or not. And you are a human being, with all the emotions, and the physical desires and wishes and needs, hopes. -As well as the spiritual dimensions, of energy, and imagination, and creativity. It is a for more complex game than you were ever taught.
And the games you play are, yes, on this “edge”. You keep realising you are walking on an edge. The, ”Occum’s razor“ is perhaps the idea to use here.-or, the vision you had years ago, in 2000, of stepping out, coming to the inner edge of a stone tower where there was no floor, and yet you were told, you told yourself to step into the space, into the air, and you did. And for some strange reason, You stayed there, and you did not fall.
This is what you experience: now you want to understand some of the ins and outs, and the manipulations and deceptions: what is going on? How you are being used? What is your part in this jigsaw? Let us look at this, because there are many jigsaw pieces, and you are starting to understand: those who appear to be innocent and beautiful And pure, are actually Not so, and that is slightly bewildering.
14.48 now let us talk about some of those:
There is the light system, TLS, and you were very excited about that: the light system, the pyramid code, and those who are working with it. And then you experience that young man who works with it in person, and you realised you did not like the way he was using his energy.
Explain this: it was a manipulative way you felt Because, well, Everyone was succumbing to him. – So maybe not manipulation, because it was willing. He was speaking in a way he had learnt, to make sure that everyone in that room paid full attention. And I saw a noticed, however, every single mind in that room apart from myself, perhaps some other exceptions like me, were so drilled into him, so utterly mesmerised. And then I experienced seeing, feeling–seeing, this flow of energy to him and I did not like it. It felt, it felt misplaced. It felt wrong for one person to be harvesting, the energy. It was an energy harvest. And now, right now, the words that are coming to me, “Pharaonic” ! “Pharaonic energy harvest”. I did not enjoy that. My spirit did not enjoy that.
And once I had realised what I was perceiving, I said to myself, I am getting out of here. Now, I did move to the back of the room, and I observed a little more from that place, a little further away from his field– , watching, to understand fully what was going on in front of my eyes, and realising how much I did not enjoy this mind–coaxing hypnosis that was going on. It looked like the NLP formulas, I didn’t really examine how he was doing it, but I know he was doing it deliberately.
So that was one, where I had been, very hopeful and excited, and then I saw, ”no”. So then there was another, someone else designing technological health systems: and I much prefer the pure natural ones, through the spirit, through Prime Creation, the spirit of love.– Directly into the human, through the mind, and the way we can interact with nature in that way. And there was this person, who has created this series.(oh wow! I just got some energy there. A little block, a little woof, and energetic punch-at the time, it felt like a big wave of energy through me someone knew I was talking about them!)
There are lots of people who call for medbeds, have you noticed? Because they want a machine to help them, to save them. And I wish I could tell everyone that we all have the power to. Hook up, connect, connect deeper, broader.– More of our soul, allow more of our soul into our bodies as we empty out the emotions which are compacted within our physical cells. If we can release that, we have more space ( ahhhh! I feel it) for the Bliss of prime creation, and all of the renewal energy that is possible to come in.
Now, this is something I practice with my beloved: This allowance of a full replenishing source energy to come through. And it is the ancient ways: these are the ancient ways. The American Indians, many of them knew, the Lemurians knew this.-allowing through.
(I had to close my eyes, because suddenly it feels lovely and strong as I speak, the powerful energy flow.)
-to enable spirit, to enable the pure being, to enable the source energy, the love the creator to flow through and replenish, upgrade, regenerate, rejuvenate. And if it can be asked for and focused, asked for and focused, asked for and focused. For example tonight, I will ask about my eyes here.(I point to my corners of my eyes, which have been red just below my eyes.)-they still don’t like it when I have certain creams or make ups, they don’t like it when I cycle, the eyes are irritated here. and so I need to create some special work, some special love and energy for those parts of myself. so, we can work on anything through the grace of that which we call God, and these instruments, we actually don’t need. They are just perpetuating a disconnect.
And I found that this person I had been very excited to Meet, I was really excited and When I did, I was whoa, whoa whoa, utterly disappointed.”Blaaah!”-I think that is probably the best and simplest description.
I am just bringing these examples, because we have to understand that everything we see is mostly different from what we think: deceiving, deception.
So, the next thing: this entire remit of the Hollywood films, the movies, the music, the, “selling the soul to Satan” whatever that is. This energetic basis from the Nephilim come down into the planet, and trapping, and doing their best to enslave and contain us for a long time, and this calling themselves, the master of this realm– whereas I do not bow to that master. in any shape or form.
And this idea of the musicians or actors selling themselves out, or being removed when they did not agree ( and replaced ) with a copy of themselves, this is huge, 180° manipulation, and it is the same with the genders.– Someone being conceived as one gender, and then being manipulated in the womb, or whatever else afterwards, into the opposite gender, and sometimes having both.
And this has been something that I felt: often, there is a huge definition of what is masculine, what is feminine. Massive imbalances: the patriarchy, which is not really to do with the men, it was to do with this ‘Nephilik’-system, controlled by what you would say, is the cabal, the puppet masters, that which believes they own this place, but they don’t.
And this portrayal of what society should look like– giving the idea to the men that they are ruling the show, and then building us women up so that the women should believe that they should rule the show, and it’s like, ‘nope, that’s the opposite of what we need’. We need a man to know manhood, we need a woman to know womanhood, and sometimes the man will have feminine traits, and sometimes the female, the woman, will have masculine traits. Certainly now we need that as women in order to survive, but the rebalancing will be a little bit more polarised: masculinity and femininity, but also a complete equality of the two being absolutely essential for the balance, the harmony and the stability.
So, there has been so so much manipulation.
And the work I am doing – what am I doing? Let us just go specifically to that point, because if you are listening to this, you are going to be of a similar ilk, doing similar work.
(I read it from a book in my Soul- room. This is a kind of Akashic record access process..)
What am I actually doing in the hidden realms, in the Secret Plains?
Why is this going on with the story with my man?
What is all that about?
What is happening in the next weeks?
23.00 “ there are surprises for you in store, and layers, far more layers than you had even suspected. Some of them even start on your back door, yes, with your family, there is even more there to reveal and discover.– The strangenesses of compatibility, or shall we say incompatibility, and why and how that is there.
Now let us look at you and your structure and your development in the last year, and why this has been, this path, of being enjoy and excitement and thrill, in quantum entanglement with your beloved, and then, having these breaks and strangenesses, strange deceptions, strange, pullings away, strange interferences.– So much that is bizarre, and was beyond comprehension, and here we now describe what it is:
You are in the thick of this Wavelength interaction. The wave – see it like (and I draw with my hands at this point), waves, interacting, and there are points along the nodes where the waves cross, and they have the ripples in the pool, and this– you are in this place, this flux, flow,, because you are coming into your full incarnation, allowing your body to be full of your spirit, every day more, with intent. – summoning within to allow this stream through. So that your thoughts at this elevation, and potential energy to them. So your thoughts become not just mindless thoughts, but thoughts, which cut through the current swamp, the current soup, the current electronic field and restructure it. This is the intent of the words. and as you express them, as you speak them in videos like this, as you write them, as you share them in Memes and pictures and descriptions, you are creating this. You are feeding source energy code into this matrix, and it is dissolving the matrix and shifting and changing it. this is what you are doing, -you and your friends.
You knew this: when you saw that vision, 2 to 3 years Ago, when you did the work with Oksana, And you saw all the hands around the realm of this planet, holding hands, all of us now joined together, restructuring, re-creating.
No, you were today at work with your musical– looking at what, how do you? how do you? – Because you are creating the end, you are trying to show the end before you have the end (of the musical), because you are writing a script. Your writing a script and a structure. And as you puzzle that out. well, how do we have this sovereign integrity? how do we have this ability that there is a goodness?
When you looked at the issue of regulation– how do you regulate a people?
Yes, you need to come together in groups, and debate and look, and there needs to be some way for many many people to come together in groups and debating and looking if it is something which affects you. For example: should we allow water to remain clean and pure and not contaminated? Indeed, of course we should. and that should be high on the list, but who is going to enforce this? how will this be monitored? how will this be decided? how will such decisions be made?
For example, that all glycol phosphates from agriculture are removed– because it is nothing to do with food, it is pure poison. All of these poisonous chemicals which have been added to The things that people consumed must be removed. Now who decides such a thing? If you are not commensurate with the intelligence to decide, how do you decide? If you are unaware of anything of the impact, how can your voice be heard? Why should someone else’s voice be heard? How do we measure something which is good? How do we measure something which is good?
How do we measure the frequency and the vibration?
This is The stuff you are looking into.
And you see some things – some solutions, some technological solutions, – some of the Plaeidian work, (and they do work with us). It is a vibrational field analysis system they have of things. It is like kinesiology, the way we use kinesiology these days in our group, and our societies: we can measure frequency levels, we can measure health And well-being of chemicals for our body. If, let’s say, we need organic copper– it is very good for memory retention,– you need to make sure that it’s a pure organic source, so that the body is able to digest it. And in order to test that, we all have have a slightly different system from everyone else, and in order to do that, you will need to use kinesiology, it is the nearest test. You can do it with muscle testing (and I show the finger muscle testing method you can use with my), you can do it with electron system that was invented by german. I cannot remember the name of it. but there are many ways of kinesiological testing, which is literally just a positive or minus, and that is the system that we have to start to bring out and spill out into the world in terms of our circle, Democratic process, the process of sovereign involvement in decision-making.
– All of this comes into your mind, because of how to write a musical!– How to finish it, you can’t just say oh yes, and Trump wins, because that is then a dictator. What you Have to do is, – and the we the people come forth And structure reality in this Way, and it moves forth in this way.
And the old chequerboard of illuminati, digitalised, yes, no, black white, good bad, shifts, into something else: Consciousness, awareness, frequency, vibration.
What do you choose in that realm?
These are the shapings and you are doing.
Let us look briefly at your dreams: The many dreams of movies and filmmaking and playmaking, that you are dreaming at the moment, theatrical productions, all of these that you are dreaming. What are they revealing, what is the point of this information, and wake up with certain amounts of new information?
(I use the countdown from five method again and receive:)
29.23 “Settings for Oblivions”. – Settings for oblivions? Settings, obliviate. You are looking at how things will change, things will shift, what is real, what is not.– Measuring reality, measuring the truth, measuring the usefulness, measuring the purposefulness of all, and thus the theme and subject of your dreams. That one you had the other night, two nights ago, of another group of beings almost, patronisingly looking after you all, as you were getting on with your movie. – You, knowing that the choreography was not going to work, because it wasn’t done properly, wasn’t learnt properly, wasn’t taught properly. – That the scripts weren’t properly managed either, and yet, everyone in the cast was merrily going along with it, ready and happy to be in position. And you were watching these others, who seem to be some kind of more overlord type characters. Bigger people, in fact, they were physically bigger– looking and gently encouraging us though, it’s all fine, it’s all fine, go ahead, go ahead.
Now that’s the Elohim, yes! That is right. And they still think that they are our parents. ha! And you were in this witness place, seeing the two elements: the boss guys, the ones who think they are – even if they think they are well intentioned…
This involves a lot of the illuminati groups, in fact, – the cabal, yeah.
– And then, the sweet ordinary folk, who know nothing of… and you are watching and seeing,”aaaaaahhhhhh! Hang on a mo! “
So, let us pull back into your purpose, here:
You understand that you have a love for human beings, for children. And because of their source energy, and you wish to protect their integrity, to commend their connection, to maintain it, so they are source energy beings, they are their spirit selves, come into the world; you understand this fully. And all that you have been and done in this life, and many others, is to enable that to be sustained, and to be there for as many children as possible, and with as many adults and parents as possible to show them, and encourage them to hold and allow and enable that too.
This is your, this is your mission, as it were, when you decided to come Here, it was the mission you sort out. Because you understand, intrinsically that the children are the brightest Characters on the board; I don’t necessarily mean by brightness ‘ academically intelligent’, by brightest, I mean, literally, physically, aesthetically, bright, bright. Because they have a less-tarnished, source energy, and you knew that you could work with them, and keep brightness on the planet: use the sparks of the brightness of the children to brighten up the planet, to lift it up, etherically, higher and higher to higher dimensions and shift this reality into that which we know we deserve to experience again, beyond the oppression, and back into what some people are calling, “ Eden”, or you are calling New Earth.
Or you were calling “Zog”, in your books, when you were writing about it, finding a way to formulate what you could feel on a soul level.
Now, let us look about you and your man, because This is a story and a half, as you know! The ups and downs, emotionally, the extreme quandary in your mind, so much of is this true, is it not true? Because, some of it is true, and some of it is not true. There is huge amounts of manipulation, and why?
Why would that be?
Well, that’s just see, if there is some entity that wishes to hmmmmn, make your task a little harder. Shall we say, that’s one, that could be.
– A certain energy, that wishes to keep you in a state of nervous shock, having to be the inquisitor all the time, having to find answers to almost impossible questions,– that can take a lot of time, attention and energy away from perhaps, another remit.
However, on the other side, you could say, this is all your spirit, creating a strange loop of reality, in order to bring you into more expression, more full, authentic presence expression. Such as you are expressing here and now in this video, and sharing it with those people of the world to have found you – a few, a few, a few, and probably more and more.
34.25 but what about the relationship with him and you?
This is the same thing, that there is the confusion For yourself, well, what about for him?
The immense joy and excitement, and passion that he felt, and then, having to ‘kill’ that, as you expressed it so clearly to him – “yes, you are killing it.” -killing it, in order to preserve something: perhaps preserve my life, or his life, or others, or perhaps even just the fear of it, and therefore, a limiting, a going against nature.
Naturally, if there is an attraction between a human human being, and another human being, a male and a female, naturally, you want to resolve it, and come together, don’t you? it’s about sexuality, it is about knitting together of the emotional fit, the mind fit, and very often the soul, spirit – which is what we were experiencing. And it was all stopped. And when it stopped– well, it was stopped, but like water finds its way around the rock, I did, he did, we’ve been working on Waze around. Because it’s heaven – sent too: heaven sent to him, heaven sent to me.
Why? what does it bring him? It brings in something of, “here is this woman, who does not fucking give up!” (chuckle). yeah! Now that is weird and new to him. and it is because he understands I am powered by love. and I am true and pure and innocent, and he values that.
because this is unusual for him in his world, where every where he turns, there are diabolical things, and mistrust, and difficult, deceitful, deceptive, all many, many narratives around him. Not everybody around him, but so many, that he is,”aaaaahhhhhh!” on a shaky place most and much of the time. There are people he loves, and trusts of course, but to see the strangeness from a woman that is not used to, other than the mama who he loved– who is on the other side of our current physical reality right now, there is that for him. and that gives him a clarity and a call within his soul to pull him forward and keep his passion and his energy going. Because he understands that, no matter what, I am still there, and that is a miracle to him.
And for me, what does it do?
It is this…Hmmmmm, anchoring me into a purpose, into the possibility of my spirit energy having an impact, finding a space, finding a channel within this physical existence we call us, where that which I am, maybe unfolded, used, utilised. – Utilised, utilised; this is the thing, – not just kept on a wall Like a picture, or in a library book, but actually to be here, taken, used, brought in as a remedy, a contribution.
“The contribution“:
And so his example, his essence, his energy, enables me, and mine to be something Into the world. – Not just a bystander, not just the wallpaper on the wall any longer, an exotic, unusual one – no longer, but coming off the wall
(! Wallpaper! I am sure I’ve used this example before I’m getting a déjà vu on this)
-yes, the wallpaper coalescing into a presence, into a message, into an essence of something, not yet felt an experienced, but the world is now ready, ready for it.
And what is the readiness of it?
It is this idea of:
honouring the spirit within.
Honouring the flow of source energy- spiritual energy, through into our hearts and minds and lives.
Allowing each human being to be a conduct:
To conduct their own source energy Through them, into their lives, as creative principles.
Each person being an innovative creator,
Each one being a designer of their life,
Creating new: new, new, new, new:
Products, ideas, experiences, artistic expressions, anything other than that which we have inherited, which was just copy, copy, copy! It used to drive me mad watching it.– The plays in London alone, how many times have they been done?
The, ‘overloads’ shall we say, who thought they were running the show, were experts at copying, and only allowed copies, and all the good stuff they hit away and their little vaults.-for their own little palaces and homes and underground bunkers, but not for us.
So this challenge of allowing, and being and recognising the human being as a conductor of source energy: through, into, from the spiritual realm- all aspects of the material experience, somehow still is radical!
– And that is all, I am standing here for: for that, and to enable the children to know this.
– For the adults, too, of course, because you need to have that awareness in order to allow The children to be that.
The children will have a much easier time if you let them: their imaginations are much less ‘stopped’.
As soon as you unpeg them from those silly other ideas of limitation, they will flow, flow, flow, and I have seen it so many times. – So many times in my work, and it is beautiful.
And we have these avalanches, these waterfalls, which have been hidden and pegged back, like racehorses,: you’ve got them all at the start, and no one will open the doors, no one will let them bolt, no one allows them to. The system has convinced us that we never could.
Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh! No, no!
So this is Where I am, and now his energy– back to my man, is this fiery energy like yours (remember, this is a part of my spirit, talking to myself here…) can be too.
(mine is, yes, fire and wind: ha! Yes: my sons, American Indian name is running wind, and mine is singing rainbows, given to me by my other son- the ‘ ray of the moon’, but it’s more like a little star, a big star)
- The fire, the energy of this cutting through, this is why you pair up still, every day in your mind, in the ether and your hearts, in your love: the desire to be together.
and why are you not together?
Because you are growing, growing, and you are breaking through and reforming, and the movement of your full force of energy and when this is coming through both of you, as you help him, Repair, and he stand there, and just, in whatever capacity (which is almost done, we have almost no communication), but that which he has, he holds, and you hold.
And that is enabling the two of you to stand, as you said, in your vision with Amma, “stalwart”,
The gematria of that, ‘the wizard’…..
(Stalwart in Gematria:
Trump Card, Conception,Birthing Code, Frequency, See Get Ready, New World, Optimism, Right Now, I Cracked the Code, up the Ladder, Activation, Gaurdian Angel, I Am a Rare Blood, Web We Weave, Sovereign, the Beginning, Sons of God, The Wizard, Starlight…)
42.07 are there any more pieces of information, as I was talking about the layers of reality that we are shaping and forming and coming to realise, working in this game.
“ I just shared yesterday a little video of a child, who was an immaculate harpist. Our harp is a big old instrument, and for a small child between eight and 11, to hold such an instrument, and to play it, the reach and itself is very hard, and she was extraordinary.
But what I just saw, was this: remember I was talking about the oscillating waves, and the intersecting nodes causing ripples, and reconstructing the energetic matrix in which we are operating– and that is what we are doing in our meetings in the dreams. That is what we are doing in the soul meetings, for example, my darling and I, thousands of miles apart, despite all sorts of deceptive interferences, there is still current moving between us.
And that current is influencing many fields : the fields between us, but also everything he touches, everything I touch, has this, the combination energy.
So the harp, when you play, several notes at the same time, it has an extraordinary resonance. If you pluck, the a in the higher octave, And the a down for octaves, they resonate with each other– the strings were resonate.
The a is a -, it’s not quite, but it’s an almost geometrical division of notes ( I explain about the musical scales and the slight inaccuracy of division between notes, but use it as an example of resonance)
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