Children's Books w/ Christine Ronceray

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Christine Ronceray, a determined advocate from Manitoba and a mother of five, has been actively engaging with community leaders and the public regarding the presence of sexually explicit materials in children’s books available in local libraries. Concerned with the content she believes contravenes the Criminal Code of Canada, particularly sections relating to obscene materials and the invitation to sexual touching involving minors, Ronceray is not only advocating for adherence to existing laws but also for the safeguarding of children's exposure to such materials.

In her presentations in communities like Winkler and Winnipeg, Ronceray, a former school board trustee in the Prairie Spirit School Division, highlighted specific books she found troubling: "All Boys Aren't Blue: A Memoir-Manifesto" by George M. Johnson and "Let's Talk About It: The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human" by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan. According to Ronceray, these books contain explicit depictions that are inappropriate for the young readers they target.

Ronceray’s campaign is not about censoring books but ensuring library content aligns with the legal standards set by the Criminal Code. She proposes changes in library policy to remove such books from children’s sections to protect young readers from premature exposure to adult themes. Her efforts aim to spark a broader discussion on what is appropriate for children and how communities can balance educational needs with protecting children’s innocence.

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