22 07 24 AFRICA SHALL BE SAVED Introduction through David P Griffiths

7 months ago

A Vision for mission houses throughout Africa "reaching every creature with the Gospel" by "perfecting the saints" for the work of the ministry.

David P Griffiths shares his heart continuing the call of his dad who went to Africa as a missionary having been trained through Rees Howells leaving London in 1936. Intercession was and is key - hence the sharing of Auntie Tessie's letter!

Future meetings will feature African ministries beginning with Minister Paul in Kitale, Kenya.

ECCTV.ORG for Stewardship and PAYPAL BUTTONS on the footer - Cheques written to "BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES", 23-27 George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS.

Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.

Love to hear from you ....... ecctv4219@gmail.com

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