
5 months ago

#SanjuSamson, the captian of #RajasthanRoyals says that the toss was the game changer and was really crucial as the wicket was sticky to start off and with the experience of #TrentBoult and #NandreBurger they knew it would work well for them. #HardikPandya, the skipper of #MumabiIndians says they didn't start the way they wanted to and this is a tough loss. #TrentBoult is the Player of the Match #POTM for this brilliant bowling effort with a effort of 3 wicket in 4 overs in 22 runs.

#M14 #Match14 #01April2024 #01Apr2024 #MIvsRR #MI #RR #MumabiIndians #RajasthanRoyals

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