End Times and the Mark (4b) Mission Possible !

7 months ago

This is part 4 in the end times series. We all have a Commission from the Lord. It is given to us by the Lord, and manifests itself differently with each believer, but it is the same commission. I share 4 or 5 examples in the 2 messages. In the end times we have work to do. The Lord tells us to bring the Gospel to the lost sheep. So we are not Called to stand around and wait for a Rapture to happen. We have work to do and a Commission to fulfill. That is our work if love Christ. Time to get to work now. We all can do better in the Power of God. It is Mission Possible. Not mission impossible. Christ tells us that with Man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Take heart my friends and Trust in the Lord!

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