The Complete Mobile Ethical Hacking Course 01

5 months ago

Welcome to Mobile Ethical Hacking From Scratch online training!

We are going to start from scratch in this course and aim to learn all the details related to Ethical Hacking for Mobile Applications & Mobile Devices. Without any need of prior knowledge you will understand how hackers attack mobile applications & devices and protect yourself against these attacks. You will build your own hacking lab on your computer so that you can practice all the things that we are going to learn in this course.

Every student who wants to build their own server for API Pentesting section will be given free 25$ - 100$ credits from Digital Ocean.

This course is given by Atil Samancioglu who has more than 250.000 students on Udemy. Atil teaches Cyber Security & Mobile Application Development and he is also Mobile Application Development Instructor in one of the most prestigious universities in Europe.

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