Centre-State Science Conclave’ in Ahmedabad via video conferencing.

7 months ago

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the ‘Centre-State Science Conclave’ in Ahmedabad via video conferencing.

Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister highlighted that the organisation of this conclave is a clear example of Sabka Prayas. The Prime Minister remarked “Science is like that energy in the development of 21st century India, which has the power to accelerate the development of every region and the development of every state. Today, when India is moving towards leading the fourth industrial revolution, the role of India's science and people related to this field is very important. In such a situation, the responsibility of people in administration and policy making increases significantly.”

The Prime Minister emphasized that Science is the basis of solutions, evolution and innovation. And, it is with this inspiration, that today's new India is moving forward with Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan as well as Jai Anusandhan.

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