2023 SHUV SHOW: “Do we still have to keep the Mosaic Law?” Christene Jackman

6 months ago

Answering the Answers
“Do we still have to keep the Mosaic Law?”
Christene Jackman ©7.12.2023

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
Tonight’s topic is: Answering the Answers to the question, “Do we still have to keep the Mosaic Law today?”

One day my son remarked, “I listen to NPR every morning just to anger myself.” He’s quite a character 😊 I was talking to a friend and I said, “I think I’ll just google the phrase: ‘Do we still have to keep the Mosaic Law today?’ just to anger myself.” Well, the first responses to come up made me incredibly sad. They were indicative of the mindset of what most Christians are taught and parrot for the rest of their lives, unless the Lord intervenes. Correctly understanding the place of the Mosaic Laws in the Life of the Believer is what is at stake here. I’ll read the first three search answers that came up, then examine each to expose what the Word of God really teaches . . . Of course the Law stands--because it’s a blood covenant. The nature of blood covenants is that they are forever. God knows the end from the beginning. He’s not going to install insufficient laws or laws with an expiration date.

The Terms of The Covenant are non-negotiables. To insinuate that you can cherry pick the Laws or that some no longer apply is to say that God changes His nature and His standards are malleable, shifting. These people have God say one day “Pork is toeva, an abomination, detestable, not for human consumption. It is not to be called ‘food’.” The next, they have Him say, “Oops, ah shucks, go ahead, you can eat that bacon wrapped porkchop with a crab shrimp salad, followed by an oyster chaser. I have changed My mind.”

Uh. No. God set up His standards for human food in Leviticus 11. He has not changed His mind. When you eat the things God said are not food, the Truth is: you are defiling your body and rebelling against Him. Pure and simple. We are supposed to listen to and obey God’s Word, not opinions of faulty humans ruled by their taste buds, who can’t put down their crab cakes and pork sausage.

You see, understanding how Near Eastern Biblical covenant functions is paramount, vital.
You must understand this when reading Scripture or else you will come to wrong conclusions. It is impossible to have correct interpretations when you fail to recognize the forever nature of Blood covenants. God lives forever, that’s why the blood covenants continue.
So, it works like this:
The Forever Terms of The Covenant, 613+, are summarized into the 10 Commandments – better rendered: the 10 Devarim (Heb. Lit. Words or Declarations), further distilled in essence down to 2: Love God, love your Neighbor as yourself.

Here’s an easy way to remember:
Look at your two arms: Love God, love your neighbor.
Look at your hand with 10 fingers: the 10 Devarim, 10 Commandments/Categories.
Look at your body: the 613+ commandments.
See your 2 legs and 10 Toes? A 2nd Witness . . . "

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