The Pedophile Oligarchs

7 months ago

THE PEDOPHILE OLIGARCHS: United Nations Club of Rome Whistleblower confirms the Oligarch's control all the systems of Pedophilia in the World. 8,000,000 children disappear every year. The UN, WEF, Presidents and Prime Ministers are under their control except for President Trump.

President Trump was an accident, the Oligarchs did not expect him to win and yes, they make mistakes and Trump was a mistake that they will never let happen again. Billionaire whistleblower who worked for them for 50 years confirms this in the first video of this thread. Watch all three videos in this thread for the complete truth about the Oligarch's known as the Committee of 300.

Calin Georgescu goes on to say that the Pandemic was planned for 2016 and the food and water shortages were planned for 2020, but now it has been moved to the year 2025. They have already started this food shortage by attacking the farming industry worldwide and buying up all the farm land.

The United Nations 2030 agenda is the same as the Davos (WEF) agenda, these NGOs are both involved in global child sex trafficking along with the CIA, which is their major tool for corruption. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposed this in great detail, you can find the video of this on my page.

More than 8 million children every year disappear, 8 million is the entire population of Austria. They disappear without any information. This criminal act has to be stopped. We must fight for our children. We must protect them. This is our God given duty.

The most innocent of innocence, children 2 years old, 5 years old are being terrorized, tortured, murdered and sold as sex slaves, raped up to 40 times a day for years and then these innocent children are cut open and their organs are sold for thousands of dollars around the world.

These millions of innocent children are suffering unimaginable pain and torture everyday and we as humanity are allowing it. We know who these Oligarch's are, they are the Committee of 300. All their names are listed in the 2 videos above. Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Warren Buffet, these are a few of the Oligarch's who control the Pedophile systems in our world. How long will we let them do this evil and atrocities to God's children?

The Committee of 300, these Oligarch's have been controlling our world for over 150 years. They have created all the major wars in the world, killing millions of innocent people. They created Covid-19, AIDS and all the Pandemics starting with the Influenza Pandemic in 1918 killing millions while making billions in profits.

Now they are using the lie of Climate Change to restrict food production. They are behind the $150 Billion dollar human child trafficking operations around the world. They control everything, except the human heart. This is the evil that must be exposed and eradicated from our society for the sake of the millions of innocent children and for the sake of all humanity. They must be forcibly removed from our society. The Committee of 300 is the Head of the Snake that must come off.

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