"This Is What BlackRock Is HIDING From You" - Whitney Webb's Last WARNING

10 hours ago

"This Is What BlackRock Is HIDING From You" - Whitney Webb's Last WARNING!

The super greedy corporatist fascists at Blackrock & Vanguard and other secret society trillionaires and billionaires want to turn all of us world citizens who survive the coming staged global mega war and new pandemic against humanity into trackable and traceable, A.I., facial recognition technology software, easily controlled and manipulated mindless zombies. They want ultimate total power and control and endless profiteering via a new Federal Reserve crypto currency blockchain financial system into infinity from all natural resources for themselves and their shareholders while they kill us all off as useless eaters and helpless cattle.
They've become Adolf Hitler on steroids! Total world dominance and control over everything on the planet and outside the planet!

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