THe Dead Zone! Stillson is Trumps Fake Assassination Attempt was Inevitable!

7 months ago

Exposing the esoteric codes and symbolism in movies!

@LXXXVIIIfinistemporis 58 minutes ago:

There is a big nuclear connection with Trump (see my old 88/Nuclear video).

I started working on this video about a month ago just after I made my DeNiro/Trump videos but I didn't bother to finish it (I really wish I had now).

I know this movie is well known for connecting the main character Greg Stillson with Trump but I had some free time so I thought it was worth finishing it considering what happened.

It would have been a lot better if I'd made it BEFORE the event like I nearly did!

Also worth noting, the movie hints that when Stillson gets to power he will be responsible for WW3 using nuclear missiles.

There is a big nuclear connection with Trump (see my old 88/Nuclear video).

LXXXVIII finis temporis
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