7 months ago

Spoken by:

Jocko Willink
Footage by: Into the Wild, Dallas Buyers Club, Star Wars: Rogue One, Prisoners, Her, Warrior, Interstellar, Fighting With My Family, Nightcrawler, The Imitation Game, Creed, Jobs
Music: Secession Studios - Dancing With Flames

Life is a war. And there are people out there, and there are things out there that are trying to take you down. Things are gonna go wrong. And when things go wrong, it's pretty easy just to say you know what? I'm gonna stand down, or I'm gonna give up. And you can do that. But I think no. I think no, I think keep fighting. And you keep fighting, and you keep fighting, and you keep fighting no matter what. And you never quit. You never never quit. And if you feel like your life is in a place where you can't get any lower, and you don't think you can find any way out, good. Cause that means the ultimate challenge is ahead of you, it means you can only go up. And it also means that things are gonna be tough. Things are gonna be tougher than anything you can imagine, but that storm that you're in, from your perspective, it seems like that storm is enveloping the whole world. But I am telling you it is not. The storm that you're in, it is hard to see out of that storm, it's hard to see past it, it seems like the storm is everything. But the storm is not everything. And it won't last forever. You can get out of the storm, and you will get out of the storm, and when you get out, you're gonna see the sun again. But right now, you're being tried. You're being forged, you're being tested by fire and by pain. That's the test. Don't fail the test. Don't fail the test, don't give in, don't quit. Don't ever quit. Fight on. Fight through the storm. Fight through the pain and come the other side stronger, and tougher, and better. A fighter. A survivor. A winner. Victorious. And free from that storm. Free from the darkness. Free. Life can be hard. But you know what? It's the one life you've got. So go and live a life that in the end allows you to look back and say, hell yes, I'd do it all again

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