July 20, 2024

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Join me while I talk to you guys about today's accomplishments. I hope nothing but the best for my sister and her family. The devil which was the first part of my family achieved their goals by breaking us up mentally because they were broken. It worked we broke up for years and my brother I hope I can talk to once again. I hope that when he gets out we can work on drastic recovery. My sister has done an exceptional job with her children. That's the memory I want to have. That is the way it will be.
Ive had many video about not talking to them ever again. I'm not perfect m human even Jesus did make mistakes. Whether we fall out again I am relieving myself of hatred and verbal abuse towards them both. I cannot fathom how many days i use to stay up and think about what has happened and where they are at.
I hope to God that nothing ever happens we lived a rough life and I'm getting teary eyed while saying this. I told her we need to start off from scratch like we do not even know each other but is getting to rebuild the pieces. That's my plan with my immediate family from my mother and father. I will be going to see my father in march of next year and i will be going to see my brother in late November 2025.
I am relieving myself from running next year for city counsel due to alot of things that I have to accomplish next year beyond Melvin and Dad. I have to make things right and be the person who stear the family together. I hated them, my family. I also wanted to say I do NOT NEVER EVER hate ANYONE I cuss out whatever the race I am not prejudice never have been. Their are people that want me to be but it isn't in my blood. What went on between my family has nothing to o with a stranger of another race. If i offended anyone of you good people I apologize.

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