Achieving Rapid Fat Loss: My Updated Strategy for Shaving Body Fat

7 months ago

So as you can see the results for this week so far have been quite well When I did my fat calipers I'm down from 8 percent So I think I did them about 4 weeks ago The countdowns is different in the weekly if you check that because one is I'm counting down one I'm counting up That's why they're slightly different with the dates but it's about 4 weeks ago So about 4 weeks ago I was at close to 14 percent body fat over that period of time So I'm shaving a lot off very quick It's deliberate So I'll keep doing the same thing managing things changing shit as I'm going along and trying to shave as much body fat as I can By saying that too this measurement is a healthy fat percentage not a sub-q fat percentage measurement I'm using a seven caliper fold uh measurement but like i said it just gives us the gauge to go off you know like i said If realistically if I was saying it from a realistically 8 percent body fat I don't think that is at that percentage of body fat I probably think it'd be closer to probably 12 13 now

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