Here's The Headline 14 Years After Biden And Dems Hailed Obama Signing The 'Affordable Care Act'

6 months ago

Posted • July 20, 2024: Last year Barack Obama joined President Biden at the White House to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the signing of the most dishonestly titled piece of legislation until the Inflation Reduction Act came along, which was the Affordable Care Act. At the time the ACA was signed, Vice President Biden infamously called it a "big f*****g deal," and it was -- just not in the way the Democrats wanted people to believe. This was then: -- And this is where we are now: Americans spend more on health care than any other nation. Yet almost half can't afford care. -- Way to go, Democrats!

Townhall's Guy Benson has a great idea: “We may need to pass a law called something like the Affordable Care Act” -- Right? Biden and the Democrats should get on th… wait, never mind. No no I'm sorry, we passed ObamaCare, I was told it's great, it's been fixed. The usual Democrat method is to make something worse, and then call for more legislation to "fix" the inherent problems that only make things even worse, and so on. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Here's the Headline 14 Years After Biden and Dems Hailed Obama Signing the 'Affordable Care Act'
CBS News: Americans spend more on health care than any other nation. Yet almost half can't afford care.

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