5 months ago

"THE IMPACT" is a groundbreaking documentary, based on an extensive independent investigation into the activities of a transnational network of terrorist organizations that reveals for the first time the methods of mass manipulation and the connections between major world events such as the 9/11 attacks, the epidemic of school shootings, the Waco tragedy, the war between Ukraine and Russia, the looming threat of the Fourth Reich's global dominance, the creation of modern concentration camps for prisoners of conscience, and the invisible genocide that is happening right now.

A hidden war for the future of all humanity is being waged, with the battlefield being your very consciousness. In this war, the main strategy of the enemy of democracy is to implement its plans through your actions, by influencing your thoughts, decisions, and actions with precisely calculated manipulative techniques. As a result, without even realizing it, you become traitors to your country, your people, your children, and even yourselves, merely by falling under the influence of the enemy's covert attack.

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