Shot Dead | The Movie (2024)

7 months ago

Official 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival Selection

"You need to stand up for the kids. Because it takes everyone." - Father of 16-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr., who died five days after receiving the Pf*zer shot.

Chronicling three families who lost their children after the C*VID-19 shot, Sh*t De*d tells the true stories of the heartache felt by real parents around the United States. This is the first film that focuses on the deeply personal aspect of the devastation unleashed by the shot and the m*ndates, as told by the families who lost loved ones. Experts Dr. P*ter McCull*ugh, Dr. J*mes Th*rp and others analyze the data, autopsies, and medical charts to corroborate these families' tragic stories. Inviting us into their homes and their losses, these families deserve to have their stories told and the public deserves informed consent, so they can draw their own conclusions.

This film will make you cry. This film will make you think. And this film will prompt you to take action for children everywhere.

A We The P*triots USA original film production, produced and directed by T*ryn Gr*gson, former PGA TOUR broadcaster who lost her job, while pregnant, due to religious & v*ccine discrimination, filmed & edited by J*son K*brich, who was also fired by the PGA TOUR months after Gr*gson, and K*brich's wife Avery.

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.

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