Was Crowdstirke Attack a Trial Run for the Great Reset?

7 months ago

World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, promised a cyber attack that would shut down all of our financial based infrastructure leaving everyone's bank account at zero. This would be what he referred to as The Great Reset. Forcing everyone to use CBDC, the one world currency spoken of in the prophecy. If [THEY] control your money, they will be able to prevent you from buying or selling unless you take the Mark Of The Beast.. This was also spoken of in the prophecy
This particular attack only affected Microsoft based systems, which is the most widely used. It didn't affect Mac or Linux. Being that each OS is different, they have to write malicious code specific to each OS. This leads me to believe this was a trial run and Microsoft was the first target. Putin was on to them and got rid of the Central Bank. Russia went pack to the Gold standard and print their own currency. All of the BRIC'S countries followed suit and did the same. Buckle up folks, it's coming!

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