America Under Attack (2024)

5 months ago

What is wrong with America? Our nation is under attack from within! Expose the spiritual darkness behind the assault on America.


In this end time, the devil has destroyed God’s one true Church and the United States of America using the exact same strategy: attacking from within, and from the very top. Those familiar with the collapse of the Worldwide Church of God after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong in 1986 are experiencing déjà vu as America collapses today.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free book America Under Attack to expose the effective battle plan of the devil against the world’s number one superpower. There is a spiritual cause for the dozens of nation-crippling problems plaguing the United States. You can prove why millions of Americans have succumbed to will worship—denying absolute truth and clinging to insane beliefs. The spirit world is real—and the masses have accepted a fantasy-land ideology that amounts to demonic worship!

Deceit prevails not just in America but around the world. We are living in a post-truth age—a time of magical interpretation of the will. Churches, political parties, and corporations are afflicted by this exultation of feelings and falsehoods. Truth has been cast to the ground.

Study America Under Attack for the startling reason why the world has gone mad. Prove that millions of evil spirit beings are confined to Earth and wreaking havoc! A spiritual problem of this magnitude requires a spiritual solution—and you can discover that solution within the pages of America Under Attack.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free book Malachi’s Message. The Church split after Mr. Armstrong died was foretold in your Bible! A “man of sin” seized control of God’s Church and dismantled all the doctrines, one by one. This traitor shut down God’s Work and hoarded the wealth. Prove for yourself from the prophetic message of Malachi how the Worldwide Church of God went off track, and what God did to address this tragedy.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet The Lion Has Roared. The Prophet Amos describes an end-time confrontation between a righteous religious leader and the rebel who destroyed God’s Church. The backdrop: a crumbling United States of America. Learn why our nation is on the brink of indescribable punishment—and how God always warns before punishing anyone. Find and heed God’s warning message today!

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request America Under Attack, Malachi’s Message, and The Lion Has Roared. Order now!

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