FreeStyling It! / WWY L68

7 months ago

This WWY Livestream will be whatever you want it to be. WWY just recently came back from ministering out in Los Angeles and the rest of the time has been blessed but hectic.

But YOU actually get to benefit of this because there will be no agenda so I'm just going to go with it. So come with any questions you may have for me or anything you may want to discuss.

But just remember:
- Answers are $1
- Correct answers are $2
- Dumb looks are free

Also as an added bonus, WWY has finally been able to add Zoom meetings along with having the YouTube & Facebook chat features available (for those that doesn't want to do Zoom). This will be getting unveiled on this livestream!

Having Zoom meetings from time-to-time gives the potential of having:

- online mini-deliverance sessions - so people can see in real-time what does a deliverance/sanctification session look and/or feel like.

- giving real-time prophetic words - you may have heard me mention that WWY also prophecies over people. But now that can be done over Zoom for those times when we focus on prophesying - so now another option. Sure it can be done over chat but sometimes The Spirit allows me to see spiritual devices on people that is done easier with more visibility.

- and who knows what else . . . you may be able to see who else is a part of the WWY tribe! The choice is up to you.

Join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 7:30 pm EST on YouTube or Facebook. Please chat your questions and/or comments.

Are YOU living the LIFE He died for YOU to have?
Spiritual Minister & Biblical Advocate

Real People, Real Problems,
Biblical solutions . . . even Supernatural solutions
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