What if "Disease X" is actually something different?

7 months ago

Going outside the box on this.

What if "Disease X" is actually a mass die off or mass health event from the shots?

Notice how the news keeps blaming covid for the rise in cancers, blood clots, and heart attacks. What if something happens to the people who took the shots that got the hot batches or the more contaminated batches in let's say 7-15 years?
Remember Fauci, Gates, and Hotez said there will be another pandemic in the future.

So, during the covid trials on animals, how long did the animals live after taking the shots or how long until they had to be put down due to the effects from the shots?

How long are the animal lives that were used in the trials in comparison to the length of a human's life?
How long did it take for the animals to start getting adverse effects compared to when humans started getting adverse events?

Look at the rise in cancers, blood clots, and heart attacks being reported in the news.
If they point at covid being the blame for turbo cancers, heart attacks, and blood clots without mentioning the adverse effects of the shots then if around 2030 to 2035 a mass die off or mass turbo health event comes along, they might blame covid/"Disease X" again and have another round of savior shots for people to take.




BTW Dr. Peter McCullough retweeted this theory I had on Twitter if you want to see it there.

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