Simple Stock Option Scalping Strategy To Make Easy Money Full Tutorial Live Trading Results

7 months ago

Open Account: The best thing about options, is that you can do exactly the same thing your investment broker does (without paying any annoying commissions). You can do it all online -- while wearing your pajamas, even -- and without the need to install any software or get any special training before you start to trade, like you would need when trying to trade with forex sites. It is as simple as choosing the currency you want to trade, and simply choosing whether its value will go up or down. If you think about it, it's the same thing as going to the change store and trading your US dollars for Euros, only you can do it multiple times, without any commissions -- which means that if you're doing it right, you can actually generate a profit. If you'd like to trade Euros against US dollars, for example, choose EUR/USD. As an example, right now the currency value for this exchange is 1.3, meaning that €1 is currently worth $1.3. During the rest of the trading day, the initial rate will fluctuate a few points -- perhaps between 1.5 and 1.1. This simply means that €1 could buy you anywhere from $1.40 to only $1.10.

Though this may seem a bit confusing, you will find that the process is actually quite simple in practice. You will need to choose one of two options on each trade: either PUT (down), or CALL (up). It is very similar to flipping a coin... or at least that is what the binary options developers wanted it to be. By using the right formula, you can give yourself an advantage when trading. This is what my system is all about. Using a few simple statistics rules, I'll show not only how to create an advantage for yourself while trading, but also how to recoup any losses you may incur during your trading session.

This simple statistics concept makes generating profit very easy -- it's so easy, even a 12-year-old could do it. In the video, I have provided a demonstration to show just how simple my method is in action. I'm so confident that my system actually works that I invite you to open a demo account at OptionBit and receive $500 of FREE dummy money so that you can test and see, at no risk, how effective my system is.

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