Master Teachers Council of 12 Energy Vlog

5 months ago

33 Master Teachers Council of 12 Energy Vlog title is from the date July 18, 2024 Thus 33 The master number for the Master teachers. The Council of 12 came through with a lesson on finding the truth within of raising your vibration and ask for a true answer.

The Schumann REsonance Today Disclosure News showed us five amplitudes. Ther first a power of 44 at 9:10 AM UTC thus the Wheel of Fortune brings the ARchangels to teach us about being strong and brave as we face the karmic change taht is coming. The second amplitude power of 50 at 10:00 Thus The wheel of fortune brings kamic change to the Pope that hid the pedopriests. The third amplitude power of 45 at 11:30 AM UTC Thus the Hermits inner wisdom is about temperance about being healing and balanced your words adn thoughts. The fourth amplitude power of 46 at 1:00 PM UTC thus the Chaos magician uses the wheel of fortune to power his sigil of power to change the dark ones ploan. The fifth amplitude power of 53 at 4:40 PM UTC thus Strength leads to more strength. The quality is a power of 11 a master number for the ascended masters and the justice card which we hope is balanced and fair. The frequency Average is 7.69 hertz thus 22 The fool card taking a leap of faith a need to be self aware. Therefore, we can say: The louvers with the aid of the ascended master come on strong and brave as they seek Justice for the damage of the Fools leap of faith.

Space Weather site showed us a Class M CME at a ninety degree angel from us on the incoming limb of the Sun. The solar wind density at four protons per centimeter, The solar wind speed truckin along at 275 (KPS). The solar wind temperature is a toasty 50,000 Kelvin. The KP Index of geomagnetic activity was in the green Four of the seven average were a level one thus all is calm.

The Inside the a vault video an interview of Bixk in regard to Gold Silver and Bitcoin.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site:
Space Weather site:
Inside the Vault rumble video:

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