George Conway Too Dumb To See The Irony Of His Brand New Grift/PAC's Name: PsychoPAC24

1 month ago

Posted • July 18, 2024: Has this grifter ever met a grift he didn't love? It's fascinating how George Conway really contributes absolutely nothing to the greater good of America and yet somehow, someway, lemmings keep giving this guy their money. And would you look at that? Since Biden is a mess now Conway has created a brand NEW grift … sorry, group, playing the 'both Trump AND Biden are psychopaths' card. Anti-Psychopath Political Action Committee. PsychoPAC24. The irony. The only other tweets in this thread are his telling morons how to give him money. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - George Conway Hilariously MOCKED for Being too Dumb to See the Irony of His Brand NEW Grift/PAC's Name
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