I AM PRIMARY SOURCE Treastise # 2 7-28-24

7 months ago

Continue the walk through the door opened in the previous post toward participating in Miracles through this powerful form of prayer.

The Creator, Our Divine Parent, made us the Children of God the “crown of Creation.” Let’s rise to God’s invitation and actively collaborate with our Divine Parent.

The Call of Divine Live is summoning us to participate in calling forth Miracles that will transform mankind’s LIFE and the Earth itself.

The Posts after this one will be: “Guidelines for Decreeing” and next “Decrees for America and the World.” These Divinely Inspired tools of communication and participation in Miracles will exponentially raise your relationship with your Creator God. They will change and inspire your LIFE forever.

INFORMATION SOURCE: SAINT GERMAIN comes to talk with 3 women praying together. One can hear Him. She repeats his words to the best of her ability. This is NOT CHANNELING.

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