Knife Slash to Thigh: Self-Defense or Not?

7 months ago

Here's a cautionary tale on both sides of the self-defense coin:

1. If the man in the white t-shirt and shorts is attacking the man in the white tank top seated on the ground, can the man on the ground use a knife to defend himself from punches? Did he bring a knife to only a fist fight? Do closed-fist punches to the head rise to a level of force in which you can use a deadly instrument to protect yourself? Can he claim self-defense in this situation?

2. Flip the script, and the man in the white t-shirt and shorts was originally attacked by the man in the tank top. Now we see the intended victim beginning to dominate the attacker by controlling him on the ground and using closed fist punches to the head. The man in the tank top escalates the attack by slashing the defender with a knife to the outside of his thigh.
Awkward technique by Tank Top, but still devastating results. Be aware of tunnel vision/target focus. It's a real thing. When caught up in a confrontation, ALWAYS assume the adversary has a weapon.

Let's see what you think -- make your case in the comments.

#selfdefense #fighting #concealcarry #tacticaldrill #personalprotection #knifeattack #personaldefense

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