2019 Shuv Show: "A Midnight Clear", Christene Jackman

7 months ago

Shuv Show:
"A Midnight Clear: What does Yeshua (Jesus) think of Christmas?"
Christene Jackman ©12.19.2019

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show, I’m your host Christene Jackman.
It came upon a midnight clear, that glorious song of old:
an avalanche of commercials bending near the earth
to touch their registers of 4th Quarter gold.

Do you hear what I hear? Their blatant and subliminal carols rear:
Give Give. Get Get. Spend Spend. Debt Debt.
Call me a Scrooge. Call me a Grinch. I no longer celebrate Christmas.
Now—before you faint from that giant gasp that’s welling up from the depths of your being—hear me out as to why.

I grew up celebrating Christmas—the story of the Birth of Jesus, mingled with Santa Claus, Christmas trees, tinsel and presents. Chasing that elusive so-called “christmas spirit” year after year, spending money I couldn’t afford on gifts and food. If it’s such a great idea, then why do so many people suffer from depression this time of year? Why: because their longing for fulfilment cannot be satisfied by such an empty system. The problem is that it’s not Christmas—it’s really Christ-mess… M. E. S. S.

When I confess to christmess keepers that I no longer do Christmas—after their eyes roll back into their heads and they can breathe again—the first thing they gasp is: “Don’t you want to celebrate the birth of Christ?!”

I know it’s a totally foreign thought to most. I get that. Before I knew what I know now, my reaction would have been the same. But actually, what is the most important question to ask?

Isn’t that fair? To start there? Rather than what you and I or they think? Isn’t God’s opinion the one that really counts? Yes? Of Course. Okay. Let’s look first at the facts . . . "

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