30% of Democrats Wish the Attempted Assassination on Trump's Life had Succeeded!

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Eric Kaufmann recently authored the book "The Third Awokening: A 12-Point Plan for Rolling Back Progressive Extremism." Eric is a friend of the show and known for his data-driven, thoughtful analysis.

During our conversation, Eric made a striking observation: "30% of Democrats wish the attempted assassination on Trump's life had succeeded." This statistic is deeply alarming and underscores broader societal tensions in the United States.

In addition to discussing the attempted assassination of Trump, our conversation delved into sensitive topics such as race and IQ, Islam in the UK, and I even suggested that the UK might contemplate surrendering sovereignty at some point. We also touched upon the current political landscape, resulting in a spicy interview.

00:00 Intro
05:19 US immigration trends
16:06 How anti-racism taboo heavily influences immigration policy
21:33 Eric's solutions to immigration problems
26:00 Forbidden conversation: race & IQ
30:35 Conservative vs liberal
39:00 New CA law
46:59 Ideology and peer pressure are driving institutional change
52:03 Genetic research on intelligence
01:00:29 Generation that supports critical Social Justice
01:09:09 Population issues
01:11:30 Countering illiberal ideologies

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