"Mother Shares Heartbreaking Story of the Loss of Her 15 Year Old Son, Bringing RNC To Tears!!".

1 month ago

"Grieving Mother Shares Heartbreaking Story of the Loss of Her 15 Year Old Son, Bringing RNC To Tears!!"... Anne Elizabeth Fundner took the podium at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee to chronicle America's decline under President Joe Biden by highlighting the dangers of deadly drugs in an emotional speech and blaming support for open borders by Democrats for the death of her son. Fundner is a mother from California whose 15-year-old son, Weston, died of an accidental fentanyl overdose in 2022. Anne Elizabeth is the "America First" mom of 4 from California. Anne Elizabeth is a Conservative Commandos and AUN TV alumni who's new mission, after the tragic loss of her son is to stop fentanyl!!

Anne Funder, a mother of four children, received a standing ovation during her emotional speech about her 15-year-old son's death from a fentanyl overdose in Southern California in 2022, which she described as "the tragic reality of open borders."
ANNE FUNDNER: Hi, my name is Anne Funder, and I am the wife and mother of four children. I'm standing here today to share the tragic reality of open borders. I'm here to share the story of my firstborn son, my everything, my Weston.

My family and I were living in Southern California when President Biden took office and opened our borders. My Weston was 15. He was an amazing big brother to his three younger siblings.

Weston attended church twice a week, played football and hockey, and he loved to surf. He had a big heart, and he lived to make people laugh. He had so many good friends.

And I was always vigilant to be the best mother that I could be. I was room mom, school ambassador. And I attended all of his sports.

We had family dinners and barbecues at the beach. And like most teenagers, Weston wanted to fit in. And in a moment of peer pressure, he tried something that someone gave to him, and it took my baby's life.

We did everything right. I had those conversations with him, and fentanyl still found my son. And on February 27th, 2022, our lives were shattered, and our baby was gone.

This was not an overdose. It was a poisoning. His whole future, everything we ever wanted for him, was ripped away in an instant.

And Joe Biden does nothing. I hold Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the borders are, what a joke, and Gavin Newsom, and every Democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And the tens of thousands of American innocent children. For that alone, they should be voted out of office. Joe must go.

Yes, he must. Joe must go. We have seen the highest number of fentanyl deaths during the Biden-Harris administration, and fentanyl is now the number one killer of Americans ages 18 to 45, and it is quickly becoming the leading cause of death for teens with 14 and under being the fastest-growing demographic.

We need President Trump back in office. We need a president who will seal the border, aggressively prosecute drug dealers, and stop communist China from poisoning our children. This is not a red or blue issue.

This is a red, white, and blue issue. Fentanyl doesn't care if you're black or white. It does not discriminate.

This is an American issue. We need a president who will call the drug cartels what they are, terrorist organizations. This fight is not for me.

My son is gone. This fight is for your children. We owe it to our children to elect a president who will win the war against fentanyl once and for all.

It's too late for my son, Weston. Say his name, Joe Biden. Weston.

Thank you. Thank you. But we can change this for your children.

We need President Trump back to save the lives of our kids. Thank you. Thank you.

God bless America.

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