TRUMP's granddaughter: "he's still standing"

3 months ago

[!] now is not coming 'thousand year peace' now is coming full life evacuation process, on history before was already 'thousand year peace' whats all was been hide from you after mid ages dark ages, also number 9 was replaced into number 7 on all believes for mislead you, now is very different also when compare to 'bible prophecies' whats old timeline was end on year 2012

[!!] all negative groups been try remove yeahua jesus 'second coming' with try remove Q, with try remove trump was been tried remove advance lightworker 'walking soul', thats how all negative groups only religion is satanism whats mimic copy follow lower dimension beings aliens cannibalistic cultures slavery on all forms, they plans was beyond murder kill what was first step on plans

[!!!] you have your own full work save your own soul even without all artificial drama whats hybrids parallel reality shows or news or movies, thats all synthetic unnatural made for keep you longer down on information level whats also trap why how you still have ups lows without real balance, even your physical follow your mind state your control or how automatic negative experience happen only on fear, on internet virtual reality also from officials you not have full information to navigate out from all layers lies illusions inside illusions, intenet virtual reality mainstream also alternative media been still controlled from negative groups what been tried made fully automaticed mislead with minimal workers or robots drones Artificial Intelligence how already space programs bases are there is not workers only non physical mix with computer AI how non physical layers operate control also bases thats fully satanic system

[note] even all physically looks real remember trump is been walking soul from moment before was step into whitehouse how advance lightwork is done only physical is original soul is not original, also biden was been killed years before how also original physical not been exist only twins or dublicates or clones how all is been only actors acting also original biden soul not been on physical

[know] how all is artificial drama also emotional drama or mind fuck when you should not follow hybrid parallel reality only your own 100% also ask for receive highest maximal or even without ask just receive maximal from highest not less not follow layers between you and highest all, before full disclosure there still is physically manipulated also non physical fake high between you and highest all whats also corporation government politics and space programs and man made laws rules orders commands are only man made are not made for people to follow, thats all only suggestions for population to pay artificially made sickness violence accidents on modern citys thats also tried force when people been wake up when wake up process been tried slow down or block out how all officials on old system been already try do, there is not real more than all who turn into light or all who really wake up or only forced cooperation on hybrid parallel reality whats far from fully light means fallen ones not been save own soul so you sould also not follow fallen ones or you fall lower until your not physically mentally survive.

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