🌟 Hiring Lesson Learned 🌟

6 months ago

🎙️ In our recent podcast, Eric Usher, a seasoned tech innovator and the President of Legal AVA, said that:

💬 "The biggest mistake I made was hiring based on expectations and assumptions. I needed someone for a specific role and took their word for it when they said they could do it.

🎙️ https://bit.ly/3ykxdQK

🛠️ I didn't have a clear SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in place and hired people with skills I thought I lacked. This is a mistake I'll never make again.

📋 Always ensure clarity and proper procedures when hiring!"

🎧 Want to hear more about Eric Usher's hiring journey? Listen to the full episode! Click the link in the bio or description above.

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